POSITION TITLE: Professor at the University of Twente, the Netherlands
1995: PhD, molecular biology, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Positions and Employment
1995-1997 Post-doc, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
1997-2001 Post-doc, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA.
2001-2002 Groupleader Cardiovascular Diseases, Crucell, Leiden, the Netherlands.
2002-2008 Senior post-doc, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
2008-2015 Associate professor, Dept. Anatomy & Embryology, LUMC, the Netherlands
2015-present: Professor and Chair, Dept. Applied Stem Cell Technologies, MIRA Institute, University of Twente, the Netherlands
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
Member of the Editorial Board of Cardiovascular Research (2013 -), Advances in Regenerative Biology (2014 -), and Stem Cell Reports (2014 -). Member of the ZonMw committee: “MKMD” (3R) (2011 -)
Honors and awards
2009 Winner of the Netherlands Genomics Initiative venture challenge award with Pluriomics venture plan.
2014 Winner of the “Lef in het Lab” award (alternatives for animal experiments).
2014 Winner of the “Hugo van Poelgeest” award (alternatives for animal experiments).